Polaar –Are You Man Enough


法國專業男仕護膚品牌—Polaar,剛於中環蘭桂坊大廈2 Finds 舉行的 Polaar - Are You Man Enough 派對」。香港著名模特兒吳嘉龍、袁彌明、李焯寧(舊名李彩寧)、郭思琳、RedNoonKawaii、揚明、Ann Ho (張豪龍女友) 以及日本新晉女模 Amiko 等等一同參與這個叫人興奮難忘的晚上。派對上,他們更與傳媒及眾嘉賓率先體驗風靡全球之 Polaar 男仕護膚品牌的美容哲學。

Polaar 護膚產品所具備高雅、不覊、熱情、好動之男性魅力、大會將特別邀請名模吳嘉龍與及性感誘人的郭思琳於蘭桂芳鬧市上大玩火上破冰,演繹 Polaar 品牌之獨特氣質。

Polaar 創辦人 Daniel Kurbiel 先生,曾於法國奧林匹克級別的帆船賽事中奪冠的他,一直對極地充滿熱情。他謂:「當我在北極探險的時候,偶然發現生長於兩極的植物擁有非凡的適應力和抵禦力。經過深入研究後,我們把植物成份改良並注入 Polaar 產品內。Polaar 著實為一個專業之男仕護膚品牌。」


Top Model Carl Ng presents Polaar for men
 “Are You Man Enough?”

February 27, 2008

Polaar, a leading French skincare brand for men. To celebrate the anchorage of this world renowned brand, Hong Kong top model Carl Ng (吳嘉龍)Erica Yuen (袁彌明) Karen Lee(李焯寧)Sze Lam (郭思琳)RedNoonKawaiiYeung Ming (揚明)Ann Ho (Girl friend of Cecilia Cheung’s brother) and upcoming Japanese model Amiko, etc. spend an evening of excitement and entertainment with Polaar. Polaar—Are You Man Enough launch party will be held at Finds in Lan Kwai Fong on February 27 to present its brand philosophy as well as free drinks, interesting challenges, prizes to those brave enough.

Urban, nomadic, active and sporty at times, the Polaar man needs skincare that is different but resembles his lifestyle. Before the launch party, top model Mr. Carl Ng is invited to “Break the Flaming Ice” with hot and sexy model Ms. Sze Lam at the entrance of LKF Tower, D’Aguilar Street, Lan Kwai Fong.

From a family of polar explorers and former French Olympic class sailing champion, founder of Polaar, Daniel Kurbiel, nourishes a passion and a large respect for the Arctic and the Antarctic regions. He said, “During my
expeditions in the Great North, I noticed the extraordinary adaptability and resistance of Polaar specialized ingredients living in extreme weather conditions.

Polaar, created by men, for men.

Polaar offers a complete range of face and body cleansing, moisturizing, shaving, and nourishing products exclusively available in Lane Crawford.

About Polaar

Polaar is the first men skincare range based on Polar active ingredients.

Extensive lab studies confirmed the presence of unique active ingredients within plants of polar origin (-45°C, with 220km/h winds and 6 months of polar night) that are highly beneficial for the male skin.

Studies showed that under extreme conditions these organisms are more concentrated in essential fatty acids (Omega 3 and 6), protective minerals, and enzymes than their counterparts from temperate regions.