


Replay 1978 年在意大利成立,為追求創意的潮流人士提供更多選擇,每季均會設計及推出多款最新穎時尚的時裝系列,迎合不同年齡的時尚人士。 Replay 今天假中環蘭桂芳 Finds 舉行「Replay Real Me Charity Party」,讓傳媒及嘉賓率先預覽 Replay 2008 年最新年輕春夏時裝系列。

出席 Replay 時裝派對的城中紅人名星包括鈴木仁、江若琳、楊哲寧、趙式芝、袁彌明、Freeze、李曼筠(動漫 Maggie)、莊思敏、木村乃、郭思琳、譚俊彥、陳雋騫及張學潤等。

場地被佈置成畫廊一樣以突顯 Replay 富有藝術創意的特色,而且為展現 Replay 青春活力的一面,除外籍年輕模特兒外,Replay 特別邀請吳嘉龍、Mandy Lieu 及陳逸旋擔任模特兒,在畫框後展示 Replay 服飾,並由舞蹈員帶領下以靈敏跳脫的舞姿在場內穿梭,盡演色彩鮮艷的 Replay 春夏時裝。三位模特兒盛讚 Replay 是年輕人喜愛的高級潮流品牌,因 Replay 服裝的剪裁貼身,穿上後感覺舒適自然, Replay 更加入了高級潮流服飾的元素,任何一個細節位都絕不馬虎,帶來處處驚喜,而且顏色時尚獨特,緊貼潮流。

對推行社會慈善不遺餘力,是次舉行了名為「Real Me Campaign」慈善拍賣活動,捐贈兩條Replay全球只有十條的珍貴限量版牛仔褲,並由鈴木仁及江若琳親手繒畫上以 Real Me 為主題的創意圖案即場拍賣。兩款值得珍藏的 Replay 限量版牛仔褲,最後由年輕才俊楊哲寧及一向熱心公益的趙式芝以高價成功競投,籌得善款全數撥捐「兒童心臟基金會」作慈善經費用途。

Replay 簡介

1978 年在意大利成立。品牌的每一款服飾都採用精心挑選的精良物料,經過特別的工藝製作,呈現出優良的品質、別出心裁的細節處理以及極具創意的款式設計。每季提供 30 多個不同種類的商品、約 1300 多款,推崇不分男女老幼,適合一切年齡層的時尚。旨在提供給追求創意與經典的潮流人士更多的當季選擇。

目前已發展成為一家年營業額 3.3 億歐元的服裝集團。其銷售網站遍佈全球 50 多個國家,包括整個歐洲市場、中東地區、亞洲、美洲及非洲市場,擁有 200 家旗艦店及 5000 餘家門店。


Spring/Summer 08’Collections Exclusive Preview

Unveiling Modern Inspirations with Generous Heart

30 November, 2007

The style icon, Italian jean and fashion label Replay chose the perfect rendezvous for its fashion preview. This preview presented a series of striking high end Replay Spring and Summer 2008 collections by local celebrity models Carl Ng, Mandy Lieu and Jolie Chan in the “Replay Real Me Charity Party” at Finds, Lan Kwai Fong.

The Replay fashion preview has attracted famous celebrities including Takuya Suzuki
(鈴木仁), Elanne Kwong(江若琳), Jonathan Young (楊哲寧), Gigi Chao (趙式芝), Erica Yuen (袁彌明), Freeze, Maggie Li (李曼筠), Jacqueline Chong (莊思敏)、木村乃, Sze Lam (郭思琳), Shaun Tam (譚俊彥), Phoebus Chan (陳雋騫), Nel Nel (張學潤) and others. This has once again proven Replay’s popularity among the fashionists.

The night has seen successful with all guests captivated while enjoying the fashion preview and the powerful dance performance by Celebrities Carl Ng, Mandy Lieu and
Jolie Chan. It is indeed a vogue night filled with warmth and loves.

Replay is committed to contributing to the society. Joining hand with
Children’s Heart Foundation, Replay has organized a charity drive themed ‘Real Me Campaign’. This charity drive was held in aid of children welfares. Replay donated two pair of exclusive limited edition jeans for auction at the show tonight. Socialite Jonathan Young and Gigi Chao were the two highest bidders for the auctions and won the limited edition jeans by Replay. The entire fund raised from the auction went to the Children’s Heart Foundation.


About Replay

Established in 1973, Replay is an Italian fashion brand that aims to create innovative, trendy and comfortable fashion. The materials of Replay’s fashion are well selected, with bold and creative design and under strict production control and quality check. In every season, Replay creates more than 30 different themes, with more than 1300 styles to suit the taste of people of all ages. Replay has been developed into a brilliant fashion choice nowadays, its reaches yearly revenue reaches over 326 million euro. Replay has 200 flagship stores and 5000 outlets spreading over 50 territories, including American, European, Asian and African markets.

Replay Spring and Summer 2008 Collection

Replay S/S 2008 collection is the fusion of modern inspirational emphasizing on up-to-date style and bold contrasts which toned down by the measured correlation of proportions. Shapes are voluminous or super slim, the trend is outright contrast. This unique combination of modern fusion with fifties elegance are the inspirations behind the designs of Replay new collection. Both men and women wear, modern youngster fashion and sporty elegant outfit are made of outstanding styles to give clothes back their unique souls.
Replay’s designs and cutting are never dull with clever mix and match of materials, colours and volumes. Replay constantly adds new and fresh elements to its seasonal collections, making it the trendsetter in the booming fashion industry.